Accountability has mixed associations for most people. Leaders recognize how important accountability is for consistency, trust, performance, and quality. Yet, the idea of “holding someone accountable,” has an adversarial feel and invites resistance. This dilemma adds a lot of pressure to daily behavior and performance conversations.
Leaders who want to increase engagement and productivity must master accountability conversations. These are a significant part of the relationship between employees and leaders, which accounts for up to 70% of the variance in job satisfaction and retention.
Mastering accountability conversations requires leaders to avoid three common traps; giving in, giving unsolicited advice, and giving ultimatums. Despite having good intentions, each trap invites negative drama. Each trap is rooted in the failure to recognize the difference between accountability and responsibility.
In this highly experiential workshop, participants will learn how to identify and avoid their own most common traps by using an evidence-based accountability conversation template. Participants will apply the template to craft healthy and productive accountability conversations that build relationships and get results. Participants will leave this workshop with greater clarity around their role and increased confidence to negotiate difficult conversations for positive outcomes.
Bonus: All participants will have the opportunity to experience Next Element's Compassionate Accountability Assessment and receive their own Comprehensive Insights Report.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify what works and what doesn’t when you have accountability conversations.
2. Describe three common traps leaders fall into when having accountability conversations.
3. Identify your most common trap and the consequences for you as a leader.
4. Apply an accountability conversation template to craft conversation starters for situations where you need it most.
ATD Certification Credits
ATD Greater Philadelphia Chapter programs are pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute for continuing education credits. These credits are based on the ATD Capability Model and may be applied towards initial eligibility and recertification for Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials.
ATD Certification Credits for this program: 1.00

Dr. Nate Regier | CEO & Co-founder

Dr. Regier is the CEO and co-founder of Next Element Consulting, a global advisory firm and the originator of Compassionate Accountability. He grew up the son of missionary parents in Africa, received his BA in Psychology from Bethel College, and completed a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Kansas. After 11 years as a practicing psychologist and behavioral medicine specialist, Dr. Regier helped found Next Element in 2008 with the goal of applying cutting edge behavioral science principles to help improve leadership and work culture.
Dr. Regier is an accomplished keynote speaker, researcher, consultant, trainer, author, and pioneering voice on the topics of social-emotional intelligence, compassionate leadership, culture, communication, and healthy conflict. He has published four books and numerous articles in various industry publications. Dr. Regier writes a weekly blog, hosts the Compassionate Accountability Podcast, and is a regular guest on many other podcasts. He is a Process Communication Model® certifying master trainer and co-developer of Next Element’s Compassionate Accountability assessment, training and coaching system.
Dr. Regier lives in Newton, Kansas with his wife Julie and their dog Milo. He and Julie have three daughters who were often the subjects of his conflict-communication experiments growing up and find their way into many of his stories. He is an avid barbequer and woodworker and loves spending time outdoors.